
KSP-22 roadheader – is the smallest and most lightweight in the product line of Perspective Technologies, LLC. It is characterized by high power and high productivity and is suitable for most types of low-height workings of any cross-section shape (arched, trapezoidal, rectangular and round). The roadheader can work on layers containing coal, mudstone and shale with UCS of up to 70 MPa and abrasiveness of up to 15 mg in mines hazardous for gas (methane) and coal dust.


  • An extendable actuator with a closed wedge-type guide circuit allows the cutting head to be drilled into the rock without moving the machine.
  • The feeder is given the function of a front support. In combination with the rear hydraulic supports, this provides sufficient stability of the machine when cutting rocks.
  • The hydraulic drive of the gathering arms and stroke allows to operate the roadheader in conditions of high water content.
  • Crawler tracks which are independently operated to give maximum machine maneuverability.
  • A number of versions of the roadheader provides the ability to move the destroyed rock mass from the face with various transportation flowcharts.
Parameters Value
UCS of rocks, σ comp , MPa, min 70
Maximum UCS of rocks comprising not more than 10% in the volume of coal-cutting with rock, MPa 80
Rock abrasivity, mg. max 15
Minimum gallery finished section, m 2 8
Maximum rock section on the cutting boom swing from one position, m 2 22
Output, m 3 /min:
on coal and coal-cutting with rock σ comp = 70 MPa 1,42
On coal-cutting with rock σ comp = 80 MPa 0,25
Cutting profile, m:
height 2,1 - 4,45
width 3,0 - 5,2
Gradients of driven galleries, degrees ±12
Cutting boom swing, mm
height 4450
width 5200
below the ground level 180 (420*)
Cutting boom  
Boom type with linear-axial cutting head  
Telescopic travel, mm 550
Rated power of the cutting head electric motor, kW 75 (55*)
Cutting head rotation frequency, min -1 52
Cutting rate at the max diameter of the cutting head, m/s 1,4
Type loading apron with two gathering arms  
Gathering arms gear: hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Loading apron width, mm 3100 (2100*)
Lowering of the loading apron lip below ground level, mm 200 (420*)
Crawler type  
Chassis drives hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Travelling speed, m/min: 4,8 (5,8*)
Spring-hydraulic brake in the drive of each chassis trolley  
Track width, mm 530
Clearance, mm 190
Scraper single-chain type with an articulated stand  
Twin-monitor electromechanical gear  
Rated power of electric drive motors 15
Trough width, mm 450
Scraper chain speed, m/s 0,9
Throat height in the machine body, mm 350
Stage loader  
Type belt conveyor fitted to the rear side of the roadheader and to the monorail carrier  
Electromechanical drive  
Electric drive motor, kW 11
Belt width, mm 650
Belt speed, m/s 1,50
Stage loader length, mm 11400
Flushing system  
Flushing points: cutting head, material transfer from the scraper conveyor, material transfer from the stage loader  
Water pressure in the flushing system, MPa, min 1,5
Water discharge for the cutting head flushing, l/min, max 70
Machine dimensions  
Overall dimensions in the transport position, mm
length (without stage loader) 11200
width on crawler 1970
width on gathering apron 3100 (2100*)
body height 1600
Voltage, V 660 (500*)
Frequency, Hz 50
Total power rating of electric motors and stage loader, kW 173,2
Weight, t 30
Average ground pressure, MPa, max 0,11

* — modification SB

The KSP-35 roadheader – is designed for mechanized destruction of the face and loading of rock mass during horizontal and inclined up to ± 18° mine workings with a cross section from 10.5 to 53m2 on coal or mixed face with UCS up to 100 MPa and abrasiveness up to 15 mg in mines hazardous for gas (methane) and coal dust.

The roadheader can be delivered in various versions in agreement with the Customer.

Parameters Values for manufacturing
 -20  -21  -22  -23
 -30  -31  -32  -33
 -35  -36  -37  -38
UCS of rocks, σ comp , MPa 100
Cutting boom swing (with extended telescope, m:
height 5,0
width 7,5
below the ground level 0,19
Maximum rock section on the cutting boom swing from one position, m 2 35
Minimum working height in a rectangular shape (when cutting), m:
with cutting head, diam. 950 mm 2,4
with cutting head, diam. 1,050 mm 2,3
Range of angles of inclination of carried out workings, degr. ±18
Overall dimensions in the transport position, m:
length 10,6 13,6 13,6 13,5
width on tracks 2,73 2,73 2,73 2,73
width on feeder 3,53 3,53 3,53 3,53
width on casing 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80
conveyor height 1,95 1,99 1,99 2,75
Weight of the roadheader (without stage loader), t 54 56,5 56,5 56,5
Average specific pressure on the soil, MPa 0,14
Clearance, м 0,27
Total design power of the electric motors of the roadheader (without stage loader), kW 300
Cutting boom  
Boom type with linear-axial cutting head  
Telescoping of the boom, m 0,65
Rated power of the cutting head electric motor, kW 132
Type loading apron with loading stars  
Stars drives: hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Loading apron width, m 3,53
Lowering of the loading apron lip below ground level, m 0,3
Lifting of the loading apron lip above ground level, m 0,6
Scraper conveyor (for values -20, -30, -35)  
Type of chain - hinged plate with cantilever scrapers  
Тип цепи — шарнирно-пластинчатая с консольными скребками  
Drive – electromechanical  
Drive electric motors power, kW 2 x 18,5
Apron width, m 0,67
Scraper chain movement speed, m/s 1,1
Height of the conveyor window in the roadheader casing, m 0,4
Scraper conveyor (for values -21; -22; -23; -31; -32; -33; -36; -37; -38)  
Type scraper single-chain with lifting and turning single-discharge console  
Type of chain - hinged plate with cantilever scrapers  
Drive - electromechanical  
Drive electric motors power, kW 2 x 18,5
Apron width, м 0,67
Scraper chain movement speed, m/s 1,1 1,1 1,1
Height of the conveyor window in the roadheader casing, m 0,4 0,4 0,4
Tail swivel angle, degrees &±39 ±39 ±39
Maximum unloading height (without lifting on hydraulic supports), m 2 2 3
Crawler type  
Chassis drives hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Travelling speed, m/min:
working (loaded) 1,3
shunting (unloaded) 5,5
Anti-rolling - spring-hydraulic brake in the drive of each undercarriage  
Track width, m 0,78
Stage loader (для исполнений -20; -30; -35; -22; -32; -37)  
Type – belt conveyor fixed to the roadheader and trolley travelling along the monorail  
Drive – electromechanical  
Drive electric motors power, kW 18,5 18,5
Belt width, м 0,8 0,8
Belt movement speed, м/с 1,5 1,5
Stage loader length, м 13,4 13,4
Hydraulic system  
Pumps – types and q-ty:
axial-piston 4
NSH10-3 (control circuit) 1
NSH50 (injection pump) 1
Hydraulic motors, type and qty:
radial-piston 4
Setting pressure of safety valves in hydraulic lines, MPa:
cutting head and chassis 18
loading stars 16
control circuits 2
Hydraulic tank capacity, l 850
Electrical equipment  
Drive electric motors power, kW:
cutting head 132
oil station 75
scraper conveyor 2 x 18,5
stage loader 18,5
pumping unit 5,5
spraying pumping unit 37
Voltage, V 1140/660
Current, Hz 50
Spraying system  
Spraying units:
cutting head (external spraying and spraying of cutters) + + + +
stage loading from the scraper + + + +
stage loader from the stage loader + - + -
Pressure in the spraying system, MPa, not higher than 1,5

The KSP-35-100 roadheader is designed for mechanized destruction of the face and loading of rock mass during horizontal and inclined up to ± 18° mine workings with a cross section from 14 to 40 m2 (for execution -120 - up to 45m2) for mixed or purebred face with UCS of up to 125 MPa (for use - 120 - up to 85 MPa) and abrasiveness up to 18 mg in mines hazardous for gas (methane) and coal dust.

The roadheader can be delivered in various versions in agreement with the Customer.

We make a special mention of the performance of the KSP-35-120 roadheader.

Parameters Values for manufacturing
 -100  -101  -103  -120  -130
 -105  -106  -108  -120  -130
 -110  -111  -113  -120  -130
 -115  -116  -118  -120  -130
UCS of rocks, σ comp , MPa  125   125   125   85   140 
Cutting boom swing (with extended telescope), m
height 5,6 5,6 5,6 6,0 6,3
width 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,5 8,5
below the ground level 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,35 0,3
Maximum rock section on the cutting boom swing from one position, m 2  40   40   40   45   53 
Minimum working height in a rectangular shape (when cutting), m  2,7   2,7   2,7   –   3,6 
Range of angles of inclination of carried out workings, degr.  ±18   ±18   ±18   ±18   ±18 
Overall dimensions in the transport position, m
length 11,6 14,1 15,0 15,1 15,0
width on tracks 3,08 3,08 3,08 3,08 3,20
width on feeder 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0
width on casing 2,17 2,17 2,3 2,44 2,50
conveyor height 2,25 2,28 2,85 2,85
Weight of the roadheader (without stage loader), t  85   87,5   87,5   88   110 
Average specific pressure on the soil, MPa  0,17   0,17   0,17   0,17   0,21 
Clearance, m  0,3   0,3   0,3   0,3   0,3 
Total design power of the electric motors of the roadheader (without stage loader), kW  353   353   353   353   450 
Cutting boom  
Boom type with linear-axial cutting head  
Telescoping of the boom, m  0,6   0,6   0,7   0,7   0,6 
Rated power of the cutting head electric motor, kW  200   200   200   200   250 
Type loading apron with loading stars  
Stars drives: hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Loading apron width, m  4,0   4,0   4,0   4,0   4,0 
Lowering of the loading apron lip below ground level, m  0,35   0,35   0,35   0,35   0,35 
Lifting of the loading apron lip above ground level, m  0,7   0,7   0,7   0,7   0,7 
Scrape conveyor (for values -100, -105, -110, -115)  
Scraper type single chain with non-rotating unloading arm  
Type of chain - hinged plate with cantilever scrapers  
Drive – electromechanical  
Drive electric motors power, kW  2x18,5   –   –   –   – 
Apron width, м  0,67   –   –   –   – 
Scraper chain movement speed, m/s  1,1   –   –   –   – 
Height of the conveyor window in the roadheader casing, m  0,45   –   0,4   0,75   – 
Scraper conveyor (for values -101, -103, -106, -108, -111, -113, -118, -120)  
Type scraper single-chain with lifting and turning single-discharge console  
Type of chain - hinged plate with cantilever scrapers  
Drive - electromechanical  
Drive electric motors power, kW  –   2x18,5   2x18,5   2x18,5   2x22 
Apron width, m  –   0,67   0,67   0,67   0,67 
Scraper chain movement speed, m/s  –   1,1   1,1   1,1   1,1 
Height of the conveyor window in the roadheader casing, m  –   0,4   0,4   0,4   0,55 
Tail swivel angle, degrees  –   ±39   ±39   ±39   – 
Maximum unloading height (without lifting on hydraulic supports), m  –   2   3,2   3,2   3,2 
Crawler type  
Chassis drives hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Travelling speed, m/min:
working (loaded) 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
shunting (unloaded) 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2
Anti-rolling - spring-hydraulic brake in the drive of each undercarriage  
Track width, m  0,85   0,85   0,85   0,85   0,85 
Stage loader (for values -100, -105, -110, -115)  
Type – belt conveyor fixed to the roadheader and trolley travelling along the monorail  
Drive – electromechanical  
Drive electric motor power, kW  18,5   –   –   –   – 
Belt width, m  0,8   –   –   –   – 
Belt movement speed, m/s  1,5   –   –   –   – 
Stage loader length, m  13,4   –   –   –   – 
Hydraulic system  
Pumps – types and q-ty:
axial-piston 4 4 4 4 4
NSH10-3 (control circuit) 1 1 1 1 1
NSH50 left (injection pump) 1 1 1 1 1
Hydraulic motors, type and qty:
radial-piston 4 4 4 4 4
Setting pressure of safety valves in hydraulic lines, MPa:
cutting boom and chassis 19 19 19 19 20
loading stars 19 19 19 19 18
control circuits 2 2 2 2 3
Hydraulic tank capacity, l  1400   1400   1400   1400   – 
Electrical equipment  
Drive electric motors power, kW:
cutting head 200 200 200 200 250
oil station 110 110 110 110 132
scraper conveyor 2x18,5 2x18,5 2x18,5 2x18,5 2x22
stage loader 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 10
pumping unit 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5
Voltage, V  1140/660   1140/660   1140/660   1140/660   1140 
Current, Hz  50   50   50   50   50 
Spraying system  
Spraying units:
cutting head (external spraying and spraying of cutters) + + + + +
stage loading from the scraper + + + + +
stage loading from the stage loader +
Pressure in the spraying system, MPa, not higher than  1,5   1,5   1,5   1,5   1,6 

The PK-8MA roadheader is designed for carrying out preparatory workings and treatment chambers during underground mining of potash ores with a cutting resistance from 4.0 to 4.5 kN/m2 in mines hazardous for methane gas.

The roadheader can operate in one of two mutually exclusive modes - semi-automatic and manual control.

The roadheader is available in two versions - with a cutting boom with a diameter of 3.0 and 3.2 m.

Parameters Values
Technical performance, m 3 /min
when cutting, m/min 0,28
when salt mining 4,5
Working section form arch
Cross-sectional area of the working, m 2 :
with cutting boom, diam. 3.0 m, m 2 8,0
with cutting boom, diam. 3.2 m, m 2 9,0
Range of angles of inclination of carried out workings, degr. ±15
Overall dimensions in the transport position, mm, lower than:
length 9200
width (with cutting boom, diam. 3.0 m) 3000
width (with cutting boom, diam. 3.2 m) 3200
width on tracks 2100
Weight of the roadheader with cutting head, diam 3.0 (or diam. 3.2 m), t 59 (60)
Average specific pressure on the soil, MPa, lower than 0,25
Voltage, V 1140/660
Current frequency, Hz 50
Total design power of the electric motors of the roadheader, kW, lower than 385
Total Hydraulic system pump flow, l/min 260
Total supply of pumps to the hydraulic system, MPa 10
Cutting head  
Type – rotary  
Electric motors power, kW 2x110
Rotation frequency, мин. -1 35
Cross-piece 6,97
Internal bore 13,16
Rotation frequency, min -1  
berm cutters 21,0
cutting device crowns 42,2
Crawler type  
Chassis drives hydro-mechanical, kinematically uncoupled  
Motor power for oil pumps and berm cutters, kW 120
Travelling speed, m/h  
working, with cutting head, diam. 3.0m or diam. 3.2 m 0-16,8 (0-15)
shunting 0-200
Anti-rolling - spring-hydraulic brake in the drive of each undercarriage  
Track width, mm 425
Belt type  
Drive – electromechanical  
Drive electric motor power, kW 15
Belt width, mm 1000
Belt movement speed, m/s 1,28
Dust control system  
Fan unit performance, m 3 /s 1,16...2,33
Fan electric motors power, kW 2x11
Spraying unit performance, l/min 67
Pressure, MPa 0,51
Sprinkler pump electric motor power, kW 5,5
Degassing wells drilling rig  

MO-4 Cutting machine is designed for performing actual mining in the conditions of manganese ore mines with a Protodiakonov hardness of up to 6 (the content in the ore body of ores with a hardness of 6 is not more than 30% and with a hardness of 5 is not more than 50%) in workings with an angle of inclination from the horizontal ± 10° and in other deposits with similar mining geological conditions.

Parameters Values
Technical performance, m 3 /min 1,25
Capturing of the actuator, mm:
width 3750 ±40
height 3100 ±30
Design power, kW 75,5
Actuator drive power, kW 55
Overall dimensions, mm:
length 5500 ±60
width 1300 ±15
height 1400 ±15
Weight, less than, kg 7500
Operational performance, higher than, m 3 65
Control manual, remote
Voltage, V 380 V
Current frequency, Hz 50 Hz